Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Road to Greece

Dave, Milly (20 months) and I have left London in our Peugeot 206 for a three-month trip around continental Europe before heading back to New Zealand to live. We have left our jobs, sold our flat in London and will be travelling to three longer-stay destinations: Crete in Greece (3 weeks), Ostuni in Puglia, Italy (3 weeks) and Galicia in Spain (2 weeks) and will spend a week or two travelling between these places.

The route to destinations has been defined by google maps’ shortest routes to spare Milly from too much car travel, not by culinary hotspots! Nevertheless I’m hoping to eat interesting things en route, as well as at the longer-stay destinations, as Europe’s sheer concentration of cultures makes for diverse eating. Like a lot of people, trying new foods, or at least local variations, is one of the most exciting things about traveling for me.

First stop was Canterbury in Kent. I'd heard really good things about The Goods Shed, a kind of indoor farmers market next to Canterbury West station - including a £5 'larder lunch' special that they assemble with whatever seems appropriate that day. Unfortunately we picked the only day of the week the Goods Shed is closed - a Monday.  No one said the Road to Greece would be without its foodie setbacks.

Best food moment: In the end my final meal in England was a very good roast meat pie - roast chicken, leek and ham from a 15th Century pub overlooking the canal, served by friendly Spanish and Lithuanian wait staff. Goodbye England, see you in September.

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